Уникатните моменти на љубов, чекање и возбуда при посвојувањето на бебе фатени на камера

Прекрасен сет на фотографии од уникатни моменти на тензија, возбуда и растење на љубовта кога присвоено дете се приклучува на семејство.
Фотографиите се сликани од страна на Кејт Паркер и го прикажува патувањето на нејзиниот внук Сем и посвојувањето на нејзината сестра Меган и сопругот Џејми.

The unique moments of love, waiting and excitement when adopting a new baby have been caught in a stunning set of photographs

Паркер објаснува дека поради немањето можност да имаат свои деца, тие одлучиле да посвојат. Тие како тетка и чичко биле неверојатно добри, па така знаела дека ќе бидат и добри родители.

„Има толку многу прекрасни и интересни работи кои ги документирам“, вели Паркер, „моќта на љубовта, агонијата на чекањето на посвојување, добредојдето на уште еден живот во семеството, и што значи да се биде семејство со две раси“.

Прочитајте и:  Совети за здрава и трајна врска

Последната серија фотографии на 37-годишната фотографка се покажа како голем успех, таа забележала топли и полни со љубов моменти, кои ги нарекла „Strong Is The New Pretty“. Погледнете ја нивната приказна.

Sam in his cot before the adoption.  'We are so in love with this amazing little man who has brought such joy into our lives' says photographer Kate Park

The photos were taken by Kate Parker and feature her nephew Sam's journey and adoption by her sister Megan and husband Jamie

Ms Parker who lives in Roswell, Georgia, explains that her sister and her husband were unable to have children of their own so decided to adoptMs Parker who lives in Roswell, Georgia, explains that her sister and her husband were unable to have children of their own so decided to adopt

Jamie bottle feds his much-loved new son after waiting for him to join their family through the adoption process 

'They were the best aunt and uncle ever to my kids so I knew they would make amazing parents to one lucky child,' said Ms Parker

'There are so many wonderful and interesting things I am documenting, the power of love, the agonising wait (and then elation) of adoption, the welcoming of another life into our clan, and what it means to be a biracial family,' said Ms Parker

Megan holding Sam with her mother Kathleen and Kate's daughters Ella and Alice as they pose for a photo

Baby Sam

Alice tries to entertain Sam as he cries while he is carried by his new grandmother

Kathleen holds her new grandson high in the air as she celebrates his joining their family

Ella and Alice play with their new cousin, an exciting addition to their family 

The trio have a nap after a day of playing.  'The ones with his smile. It lights up the room,' says Ms Parker

Megan and Jamie proudly hold the new addition to their family after bringing him home

She says she does not have any particular favourites because she is partial to any image with her adorable young nephew in it, but she does love the images of him smiling

The 37-year-old photographer's last series proved a great success, she captured heart-warming photos of her daughters growing up, called Strong Is The New Pretty

The mothers and children all pose for a photo with the new addition to their family


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