На почетокот мислевме дека е обична кутија со пари и…згрешивме

Токму така, ова личи на најобична картонска кутија со многу пари во неа.

Сепак, погледнете за што станува збор низ фото – приказната во продолжение.

The finished product, "Old Money," is incredibly realistic. - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

Since "cardboard" isn't something you can paint on in one sitting, he had to add light, washed out layers over and over. - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

Stunning. - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

He glued the pieces of pine together as a base. - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

Once the adhesive cured, he was ready to begin carving the block. - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

He slowly whittled it down into an interesting shape. - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

It wasn't uniform. - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

The edges were jagged. What could it be? - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

Hmm.... - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

This is where the project began looking like the final project: a cardboard box. - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

By chipping away at the block of wood and hollowing out different sections, he was able to create the illusion that it was a box containing something. - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

He spent hours carefully carving the sides to give the illusion of corrugated cardboard. - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

wood box11 - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

The effect was incredible. - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

He took a break from the hours of carving to begin adding paint to the piece. - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

He carefully painted what was to be inside of the box: stacks of money. - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

Not only is Randall a gifted woodworker, but his painting skills are incredible as well. - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

After being painstakingly careful painting the bills and their details, he began slowly adding color to the cardboard. - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

Since "cardboard" isn't something you can paint on in one sitting, he had to add light, washed out layers over and over. - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

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