Што мислат земјите низ светот за Македонија

Бугарскиот графички дизајнер Јанко Цветков, кој живее и работи во Лондон, објави серија духовити но и мошне провокативни мапи на кои се прикажани предрасудите кои ги имаат државите едни спрема други. Станува збор за илустрирани мапи, каде наместо имињата на државите се наоѓаат стереотипите кои се поврзани со нив од страна на одредени земји, но и од важни личности. Токму онаа на која е прикажано како Силвио Берлускони гледа кон европските земји е наш фаворит. Погледнете ги.

2013-07-23 12_26_37-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_26_50-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_27_07-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_27_16-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_29_01-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_29_11-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_29_20-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_29_31-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_29_42-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_30_01-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_30_15-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_30_45-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_30_55-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_31_04-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_31_14-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_31_25-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_31_58-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_32_13-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_32_32-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_33_04-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_33_32-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_33_48-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_34_16-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_34_55-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda 2013-07-23 12_35_56-31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World _ Bored Panda

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