Тајм лапс: Не помислувајте да ги вознемирувате морските крави!

Овој тајм-лапс е сниман за NatGeo, на реката Кристал Ривер, Флорида. Екипата слика од 25 метри височина, а ламантините се наоѓаат до една карпа, каде водата е потопла.
Немојте ни да помислите да ги вознемирувате!

Timelapse taken while on assignment for @natgeo . @cristinamittermeier and I were shooting both still images for the magazine and this time lapse of manatee/human interactions at the same time. We ended up getting a good still image for the magazine but nothing has been nearly effective as driving the debate of wildlife harassment of these manatees than this time lapse. We were standing on top of an 80 foot tall crane, hanging above the entrance to the Three Sisters Springs in Crystal River, Florida. US Fish and Wildlife and most tour operators have a strict code of ethic to respect the Manatees and maintain a safe distance while the manatees attempt to stay warm. The perimeter floats are put in place to keep people out but the Manatees go to where the warm water is and not necessarily within the confines of the rope barrier. They are literally trying to stay alive and it is imperative not to disturb them. However, it is hard to keep an eye on everyone and many disregard the rules. You can see people swimming amongst them, grabbing them and even pushing off of them. Then, more boats arrive and eventually there is a large bang from one of the boats and all of the manatees disperse back out into the cold water. We are excited when our work helps tell an important story and drives the conservation debate. To see my favorite images from this coverage please #follow me on @paulnicklen. With @sea_legacy #manatees #nature #wildlife #love #beauty @instagram #picoftheday

A video posted by National Geographic (@natgeo) on

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