Една година во животот на Лего-човекот (365 фотографии)

Импресивни слики на британскиот фотограф и неговите патувања низ Британија.
Лег ОГрафер, лего-човек, има “сликано“ фотографии патувајќи низ Велика Британија со неговата Лего-камера.
Ендрју Вајт, сопственикот на Лег, го поставува својот лего-човек пред својот објектив на земја, и потоа ја слика перспективата на лего-човекот со неговата камера.

The Legographer was photographed on his travels by Mr Whyte. Here he stops to capture a snap of an old routemaster bus in London

Креативен фотограф сликал 365 фотографии одбележувајќи ги авантурите на Легографер- лего карактер кој сака да “фотографира“, патувајќи низ Велика Британија.

Tourist: The Lego man joins thousands of visitors to London by snapping a quick picture of one of the capital's famous red phone boxes

Ендрју Вајт, 39, го носи својот лего-човек каде и да оди, во случај да се појави можност за совршена фотографија.

Going underground: Leg will have to be careful to avoid getting caught underfoot while he takes some shots of one of the world's busiest train networks

Тој вели: „Го започнав проектов, бидејќи навистина сум компулсивен фотограф и се чувствувам дека морам да сликам во дадено време.“

On the river: Leg goes for a stroll down the Thames in London, before stopping to take a picture of the Millennium Eye

Home sweet home: Here the Lego man, nicknamed Leg OGrapher, takes a picture of Portsmouth harbor, where Mr Whyte lives

Braving the weather: Never one to miss out on an opportunity, Mr Whyte even braved the recent bad weather to take the Lego man out and caputre some shots

Happy couple: With a quick change of shirt, the Lego man is off to ply his trade at a wedding by snapping a quick shot of the bride and groom

This is how we do it: Behind the scenes Mr Whyte sets up the wedding shot with help from the couple's son

By the seaside: Leg takes a moment to line up a shot of Brighton's famous pier set against a stunning sunset

Life's a beach: Perhaps it's the fact that he's from Portsmouth, but Leg seems to have a preference for the sea. Here he captures the fun at Southsea

Man of action: Of course working so close to nature has its unintended consequences, including the occasional crab-attack

Ready for a close-up: After an exciting day at the beach, Andrew Whyte places Leg back on the sand to capture a shot as the sun goes down

Sea legs: Mr Whyte caputes an image of HMS Warrior in Portsmouth harbor, while his trusty Lego companion does the same

Iconic: Of course no British seaside scene would be complete without an ice cream van, although judging by Leg's woolen hat they won't be doing much business

Blowing a gale: Leg lines up a picture of a tree which appears to have suffered the wrath of the recent stormy weather and has ended up bent out of shape

Urban: Leg the photographer shows off his range by swapping from natural scenes to a city environment, snapping a picture of this car park

Holidays are coming: In another impressive light display, Leg is pictured in front of one of the famous Coca Cola Christmas trucks

Sparks: Leg will need more than just a glove to make sure his arm doesn't melt off while playing with this bonfire-night sparkler

Inspiration: Leg OGrapher meets celebrity photographer Perou at the Focus on Imaging show

Centre stage: Andrew Whyte uses a fish-eye lens to capture the whole of the Kings Theatre in Southsea, along with his Lego companion

Taking a bumble: Leg cautiously approaches this rather dead-looking bumble bee while Mr Whyte takes a snap

That's got to hurt: Life is tricky when you're only half an inch high, as Leg demonstrates here by getting hit in the face with a Frisbee

The adventure continues: With his trusty camera in hand, Leg OGrapher is always ready to capture more amazing pictures from his own unique point of view

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