Спални соби се претвораат во полиња… Зачудувачки оптички илузии

Мислите дека црниот и белиот фустан беше оптичка илузија?

Тоа не е ништо во споредба на овие неверојатни слики од шведскиот фотограф, уметник и Фотошоп гениј.

Ерик Јохансон, 30, живее во Берлин, Германија, и вели дека не ги лови моменитете, туку ги лови идеите.

Тој зема световни сценарија, вклучувајќи куќи, автомобили и улици и ги претвора во оптички илузии, кои ги опишува како „надреални идеи реализирани на реалистичен начин со доза на хумор“.

Swedish photographer, artist, and Photoshop genius, Erik Johansson, has created mind-boggling photos like this inside-out house that look different on each glance. In this image called The Architect the subject seems to be both inside and outside the house

He takes mundane scenarios and gives them a more interesting edge by flipping them on their head, like in Landfall

In Brain Games, a man is seen pulling aside the night sky as he would a curtain to reveal the dawn and green landscape before him

This image, entitled Don't Look Back, shows a woman walking down a winding road that's crumbling behind her every step

Is it a bedroom or a field? In Closing Out, interiors and exterior meld as one in this seemingly simple tableau

In the optical illusion Cover Up, a man is hiding his real view with a better, more idealised image on wallpaper which he hangs on a line

Reverse Opposite is mind-bendig as, with an MC Escher drawing, the car seems both on and under the bridge at the same time

In Erik's description of this picture, called Cutting light, he describes it as 'the strongest light bulb there is. Cutting through wood, concrete and stone in just moments'

This image is called Dreamwalking and  captures the state between dream world and reality

Although one photo can consist of lots of different images merged into one, he always wants it to look like it could have been captured as a whole picture. In Helping Fall, a woman is seen hoovering leaves off the tree to help the process along


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