Завидна фигура на дивата без конкуренција

Иако се пишува дека познатиот пар го чека своето второ дете, Бијонсе покажа во своите нови фотографии како и понатаму добро се забавува во своите 30-ти години.

She probably woke up like this: Beyonce, 33, shares snaps from her recent birthday in the South of France, posting the pictures on Tuesday

Познатата пејачка Бијонсе Ноулс Картер и понатаму ги воодушевува своите обожаватели, и со својата музика и со својата појава.

Овој пат, на својата официјална веб-страница објавила фотографии од 33-тиот роденден кој го прослави пред две недели на југот на Франција. Јахта, луксуз и злато… познатиот пар многу добро знае како да ужива. Со оглед на нивната турнеја „On The Run“ заработила милиони во текот на летото, па нема зошто и да не ужива во луксуз.

Can you keep up? The singer hops down steps to pose for the camera

Pretty Hurts: Beyonce holds a powerful pose as she shows off her enviable curves while on holiday

Snapshots: Beyonce loves sharing her photo albums with the worldSnapshots: Beyonce loves sharing her photo albums with the world

What marriage problems? Beyonce and Jay hold a loving pose on board a luxury yacht to celebrate the singer's birthday

Family affair: Bey is seen with her mother Tina Knowles and pals as they make their way to the luxury yacht

Adorable: Blue is seen playing on the sand in another snapshot from their holiday

Happy Birthday to Queen Bey! Her royal highness was seen lounging by the sand, where someone had spelt out a birthday wish using twigs

It's all about me.com: Beyonce shared yet more pictures of herself, posing with these snazzy sunglasses

Shady lady: The showed off delectable gold jewelry in what appeared to be an impromptu photo-shoot

Birthday girl: Bey shared another picture where she appeared to be wearing a very expensive looking party hat

Closer look: The custom-made party had featured gold lettering spelling out 'Queen Bey'

Kicking back: Bey and Jay posed in chairs as they relaxed on their holiday

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