Сара Џесика Паркер го открива плакарот од соништата на секоја жена во нејзината куќа од 22 милиони долари

Кери Бредшо можеби не би одобрила, но многу други жени би биле многу среќни со гардеробата на Сара Џескина Паркер.
Ѕвездата од „Сексот и градот“ и нејзиниот сопруг, актерот Метју Бродерик повторно ја ставија нивната куќа во Њујорк на продажба, и при тоа му дозволија на светот да погледне во плакарот на модната икона.

Back on the market: The couple, pictured July, listed their Greenwich home in 2102 but have put it up for sale again for $22 million

За само 22 милиони долари гардеробата на 49-годишната актерка може да биде ваша со многу убав пет катен дом со 6800 квадратни метри историска тула.

Plenty of space: The five story 6800-square-foot historic brick home was built in 1846

Сепак, карактерот на Сара Џескика, Кери која е голем љубител на чевли можеби не би ѝ се допаднал плакарот, бидејќи полицата за чевли за изненадување е доста мала.

Dreams do come true: Sararh Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick have listed their jaw dropping New York townhouse and, in doing so, allowed the world to get a peek inside the fashionista's closet

Погледнете го прекрасниот дом кој се наоѓа во областа Гринич Вилич во Менхетен, Њујорк.

Cook up a storm: The first Garden Floor has a kitchen a kitchen stocked with stainless steel appliances that contrast to the warm walnut wood eat-in area and access to the tiered garden

Old meets new: The formal dining room with floor-to-ceiling double-paned mahogany windows

Toasty: There are an amazing seven fireplaces in the home which add a traditional element

Stylish fun: Currently The Sex And The City actress has styled one of the five bedrooms for Marion and Tabitha, 5 , to share and it has a sitting area, fireplace and an adorable white and black striped teepee for the girls to play forts

Fit for two princesses: The twins' bedroom has an en suite with a marble bath, while the two other smaller bedrooms on the Guest Floor have their own bathrooms also

Not THAT small: While described as smaller, clearly James' bedroom and the spare guestroom have plenty of open space

Parents' retreat: Ensuring their have their own area to relax, Sarah Jessica and her 52-year-old husband then have their own Master Floor, which is complete with its own 25 by 12 foot terrace

The size of a studio: The bathroom has two completely separate sinks, and amazing natural looking yet ultra-modern round stone bath in the room's centre, a shower with multiple shower heads and its own fireplace

Serving up stylish fun: On the fifth and final living area - the Family Floor - there is plenty of space for the Parker Broderick clan to relax and play, with the very exciting addition of an all-white ping pong table

Let there be light: While almost 200 years old, the house is far from dark and museum-like

Nooks and crannies: Every inch of the home has been made liveable with each room providing something different, however, clever design makes sure it does not look too busy or cramped


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