Фасцинантните победници на глобалниот натпревар по фотографија

Млечниот пат на полноќ, Шетландските пони на снег, и деца на железница се дел од добитниците на 2014 Sony World Photography Awards’ отворена категорија.
Одбрани од повеќе од 70.000 записи, првите десет слики опфаќаат фасцинантни моменти од целиот свет.

Тие покриваат десет теми: архитектура, уметност и култура, разубавено, слаба светлина, природа и живиот свет, панорами, луѓе, насмевка, дел од секунда, патување.

Најџел Атхертон, Џури Чаир, кажаа за победниците: „Фотографијата е јазик кој ги надминува националните граници и култури, расата, полот и социјалното потекло. Нејзината поезија ги допира срцата и умовите на луѓето од целиот свет, а никаде не е подобро прикаѓано отколку на овие награди.“

People: This photo taken by Arup Ghosh on a train in India is the winning shot of the 'people' category in Sony's World Photography Competition

Mesmerising: This spellbinding shot of the Milky Way shining over Italy, taken by Ivan Pedretti, took the title in the 'open' category

Magical: This bizarre image of a woman scooting through Estonia with a fishbowl on her Vespa was taken by Kylli Sparre

While many of the photographs are intensely colourful, this black and white image taken in Turkey by Alpay Erdem titled 'Smile' was chosen for being both vibrant and still

Hazy: At dawn, ahead of a day's rodeo in France, these men sit around gearing up to ride - while Valerie Prudon captures the moment

This image of a Shetland pony in the Netherlands snow, photographed by Gert Van Den Bosch, is one of the ten that fought of 70,000 entries from across the globe

Architecture was covered in the final line-up with this shot by Holger Schmidtke taken in Germany

Bleak and tender: These two children eating tiny scraps of food on a railway in the slums of Bangladesh, shot by Turjoy Chowdhury, captured the hearts of the jury


Another shot from Germany by Paulina Metzcher was awarded for impeccable portraiture

Atmospheric: Titled 'culture', this picture taken of men covered in mud in Iran, by Borhan Mardani, was praised for its composition

Funny: On a fresh, blue day in Malaysia, Hairul Azizi Harun grabbed his camera in time to capture this splash of water before it hits his fellow photographer

All lined up: This peculiar bridge in China, with people clambering across in the torrential rain, is titled' travel' by Chen Li

The dazzling effect of light in the wind and snow in Romania, shot by Vlad Eftenie, won him a place in the top ten, to be exhibited at London's Somerset House in May

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