Кејт дури два пати го надмина сопругот- А знаете во што?

Војводата и војвотката од Кембриџ продолжуваат со својата турнеја во Нов Зеланд, а овој пат посегнаа по кормилото.
Учествуваа во трката на јахти недалеку од Окленд, а пред трката Air Force им подготвиле посебен поздрав за добредојде. Кејт и Вилијам биле во спротивните тимови, а убавата војвотка дури два пати го победила својот сопруг управувајќи со кормилото!

Ahoy, there! The Duchess confidently took the wheel of an Emirates Team New Zealand Americas Cup yacht as she sailed around Auckland Harbour in a race with William

Овој пат малиот принц Џорџ останал со дадилката, додека Кејт повторно ги маѓепса сите со својата суптилна елеганција.

Friendly fire: William had already predicted some competitiveness between himself and his wife, telling New Zealand's Prime Minister John Key there would be 'a bit of healthy competition'

Not so confident? The Duchess looks a little unsure of her sailing abilities

In it to win it: The Duke concentrated as he steered his yacht around the harbour in a race with his wife

A Royally good race: The Duchess also appeared keen to win against her husband

This means war! The Duchess appeared to playfully call out to her competitior

Friends again: Kate and Wills share a tender moment after a competitive morning

Touch down: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrived at Whenuapai Royal New Zealand Air Force base just outside of Auckland on Friday

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrived at Whenuapai Royal New Zealand Air Force base just outside of Auckland on Friday

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrived at Whenuapai Royal New Zealand Air Force base just outside of Auckland on Friday

Meanwhile some Royal supporters made their presence known on the water as well as on land

A small plane displays a protest banner in the sky above where the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will be aboard a yacht on Auckland Harbour


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