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Досега неколку пати сме објавиле фотографии кои ја прикажуваат атмосферата зад камерите од холивудските сетови. Без разлика дали станува збор за хорори, драми, комедии или трилери, тие се секогаш интересни за гледање. Денес ви прикажуваме нова серија составена од 20 ретро фотографии снимени зад сцените на познатите филмски класици.


Behind The Scenes Of Psycho


Behind The Scenes Of Jaws

The Exorcist

Behind The Scenes Of The Exorcist

The Birds

Behind The Scenes Of The Birds

Star Wars

Behind The Scenes Of Star Wars


Behind The Scenes Of Rocky


Behind The Scenes Of Troy

The Shining

Behind The Scenes Of The Shining

James Bond: The Spy Who Loved Me

Behind The Scenes Of The Spy Who Loved Me

The Matrix Revolutions

Behind The Scenes Of The Matrix Revolution

Lord Of The Rings

Behind The Scenes Of Lord of The Rings

Kill Bill

Behind The Scenes Of Kill Bill


Behind The Scenes Of Hellboy

A Nightmare on Elm Street 7: A New Nightmare

Behind The Scenes Of New Nightmare

Harry Potter

Behind The Scenes Of Harry Potter

Forrest Gump

Behind The Scenes Of Forrest Gump

Fight Club

Behind The Scenes Of Fight Club

James Bond: Diamonds Are Forever

Behind The Scenes Of Diamonds Are Forever

Batman (1989)

Behind The Scenes Of Batman 1989


Behind The Scenes Of Alien

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