Фотографија која ги разнежни сите фанови на кралското семејство

Денес е голем ден за кралското семејство- малиот принц Џорџ го слави својот втор роденден.

Малиот шармер веќе на сите ги освои срцата, а семејството сподели и нова фотографија на својот официјален профил.

Малиот убавец со заразна насмевка секој ден е се посимпатичен! Принцот Џорџ секако е најомилен член на британското кралско семејство, а денес полни 2 години.

On the eve of his second birthday, Buckingham Palace has treated royal fans to a previously unseen picture of Prince George, posing with his doting father William 

Кенсингтонската палата во таа прилика објави и негов портрет кој е направен од славниот моден фотограф Марио Тестино и тоа на крштевката на неговата сестра, принцезата Шарлот.

A more formal shot taken on the same day: Prince George, wearing his red shorts and blouse with detail, is seen walking alongside the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at his sister Charlotte's christening on July 5th

Тестино, исто така, беше омилен фотограф на принцезата Дијана.

Малиот принц донесе радоство во дворот, па оваа фотографија е неговото вистинско лице. Инаку, неговиот татко принцот Вилијам неодамно откри и некои детали за своето мали семество.

„Сега има многу повеќе одговорност, особено кога Џорџ е толку темпераментен и се однесува како мало мајмунче“, рече неодамна Вилијам.

Во нашата галерија погледнете ги и нивните најсимпатични фотографии. Среќен роденден мал принцу!

Is that a wave in his hair? The official family photo from Charlotte's christening shows George, dressed in colorful shorts and a white blouse with red detail, looking more grown up

When he was one! George certainly has more hair these days...the young royal was pictured as he celebrated his first birthday at the Natural History Museum in July 2014 

He's a cheeky monkey! Prince George enjoys the spectacle of Trooping the Colour while being safely restrained by nanny Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo on June 13th

Grandfather Prince Charles will not be able to go as he and the Duchess of Cornwall are on an official trip to the West CountryPlenty of fun: He will still be treated to all the usual trimmings – a cake and a visit from doting grandparents Michael and Carole Middleton

Picture perfect: Prince George, who turns two tomorrow, has already had quite a year. Most significantly, he became a brother to Princess Charlotte, who arrived on May 2nd. This photo was taken  at Anmer Hall in Norfolk in mid May

Peep-po! George, in his now famous red shorts, peeks over the top of his sister's christening pram after the service on July 5th at the Church of St Mary Magdalene in Sandringham, Norfolk

The first official royal wave! George, born just 24 hours earlier, stretched out his tiny fingers on the steps of the Lindo Wing at London'sSt Mary's Hospital on July 23rd 2013Being carefully held by Prince William

Nibbling on a card from a well-wisher...George has captured plenty of hearts with his comic moments

 In the media spotlight: George looked a little uncertain as he was taken by his dad to meet new sister Charlotte at the Lindo Wing of St Mary's Hospital, London on May 2nd 2015

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