Морков ножици, камион полн со житарици: Фотограф создава мешаници со кои си подигрува со нашите глави

Од скијач на врв на сладолед, до камион полн со житарици – овие фотографии дефинитивно ќе си поиграат со вашата глава.
Надреални слики, кои вклучуваат моркови – ножици и ананас – рачна граната се дело на арт-директорот, Стивен МекМенами од Атланта Џорџија, САД.

Иако бизарните сцени може да изгледаат како резултат на трикови направени во Фотошоп, тие всушност се создадени со превземање на две одделни фотографии кои потоа се поврзани заедно, со цел да се направи една слика. Погледнете ја галеријата:

Big breakfast: One of the images features cereal being poured from what seems like a gian box into the sky and into a truck

The mind-bending pictures were created by splicing two pictures togetherThe mind-bending pictures were created by splicing two pictures together

In this mashup picture, a skier is pictured leaping up over a bank of snow - but seemingly on top of a girl's ice cream cone 

Food for thought: A forklift truck driver peers around his wheel to check on his load - a giant portion of spaghetti and meatball

All smoke and mirrors? A pack of cigarettes is suddenly transformed in to a portion of fries in this deceptive picture

Sharp-eyed: Two images were spliced together for this picture which features a knife handle and the front of a light blue surfboard

Mind-bending: A child takes the wheel of a toy car, which, on closer inspection, doubles up as a sports car

While the bizarre scenes might look like the result of photoshop trickery, the eye-catching images are actually created by taking two separate photos and splicing them together to make one picture

Fruity: A child holds aloft a balloon which blends into a picture of a bunch of green grapes in this quirky mashup picture

The surreal shots, which include this digger working in sand on top of an ice cream cone, are the brainchild of art-director, Stephen McMennamy, from Atlanta Georgia, USA

Pincer movement: A giant crab's claw reaches out over a cliff, replacing the arm of a heavy works digger in this bizarre image

Roll with it: Stephen McMennamy spliced together a picture of a man driving a van and a purple-wheeled roller-skate

 The photographer admitted to always having had a creative itch but it was Instagram that inspired him to launch the Combophoto project

A digger appears to lower its arm before dipping in to scoop some chocolate ice cream out of a tub in another of the surreal pictures

Tools of the trade: A crab claw replaces the head of this pair of pliers to create another mind-bending image

Packing a punch: Photographer Stephen McMennamy said that he used various techniques to create his series of combophotos 

Sweet music: Doughnuts replaces headphones in another of Stephen McMennamy's bizarre combophotos

Bare-faced cheek: A peach sits on a sandy beach - and combines to complete the image of a naked man enjoying the seaside view

Stephen McMennamy sais that he sometimes 'labors over an idea, spending weeks planning, practicing or experimenting and other times it happens in an instant'Stephen McMennamy sais that he sometimes 'labors over an idea, spending weeks planning, practicing or experimenting and other times it happens in an instant'

A seagull flies above against a backdrop of blue skies - and appears to be powered by the jet engines of a passenger aircrafy

Stephen, admitted to always having had a creative itch but it was Instagram that inspired him to launch the Combophoto project

A banana is peeled back to reveal a surprise interior of sweetcorn in another of the artist's combophotos

The photographer said that he had 'more successes than failures' with his project but wanted people to enjoy seeing how he created the images


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